
Shock Poll: 17% Say America Would Be Better Off If Trump Had Been Killed Last Weekend

"It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered."
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Secret Service tend to republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump onstage at a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attorney Richard Goldinger said the shooter is dead after injuring former U.S. President Donald Trump, killing one audience member and injuring another in the shooting. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

A new poll out Wednesday revealed that 17% of voters — and more than one in four Democrats — believe that America would be better off if former President Donald Trump had been shot and killed at his golf club on Sunday afternoon.

The poll, conducted by Scott Rasmussen’s RMG Research for Napolitan News Service, asked 1,000 registered voters to weigh in on the latest news reports regarding the attempt on Trump’s life — the second assassination attempt he’s faced in just the last eight weeks.

The question was phrased as follows: “While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?”

In response, 17% said “yes,” 69% said “no,” and 14% said that they were “not sure.” Among Democrats, 28% said “yes.” Another 25% were “not sure,” and 47% said “no.” Among those who “lean Democrat,” the numbers were not much better: 27% said “yes,” 53% said “no,” and 21% were “not sure.”

Rasmussen commented on the results, saying, “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered.”

Other questions were also laid out in Napolitan’s coverage of the survey, beginning with whether or not, after two assassination attempts against him in just two months, Trump should have his security detail increased.

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Just over half of the Democrats surveyed (51%) said they saw no need for increased security around Trump. Overall, 62% said he probably should have more security going forward, and 32% did not believe he should.

Another question addressed the possible motive behind the attempts on Trump’s life – specifically whether or not opposing political actors might be involved. Nearly half of Democrats (49%) said they thought Trump or members of his team were working to stage the assassination attempts. Just over half of Republicans (52%) suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris or someone associated with her campaign could have been involved.

The margin of error for this particular survey was +/-3.1.

“I continue to believe that America’s best days are still to come. However, for years I’ve been saying that things will get worse before they get better,” Rasmussen added. “These numbers suggest that the phase of getting worse is clearly upon us.”

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